Friday, September 27, 2013

Getting worse before getting better

That little koan has been reverberating through me for a little while now.

Which sucks.

A year ago I was offered a 20hr/wk job that paid $11/hr working in an after school program a half-hour drive from where I live. It would have required me to give up weekday reffing (which some months pays more than $220 a week), and was an entry-level education position offered to someone with over ten years experience in public education.

My potential supervisor could've been one of my students.

I passed it up, thinking 'something better will come along'.

Last month, I was offered a 12 hour/week job that paid $12/hr working in an after school program an hour-drive from home.


A year ago July I passed up an offer to work in ground-zero social service agency, a very large, very infamous drop-in center for the most destitute homeless population in the very large city that I live in. The office I was interviewed in looked over the spot where a few months early, a 20 year old woman had been randomly and tragically shot dead. The offer was for $26,000 a year to work an entry-level job in the trenches. My rationale was that I had already worked in the trenches, and my last job paid me $28,000, so with a Master's degree I should get more, right?

Tonight I interviewed for a residential care facility for mentally ill children. The interviewer -who was a cool woman by all means- told me flat  out the realities of the position. "Our policy for self-inflicted harm is to not intervene until it's life threatening. So I've sat for hours with clients cutting themselves like this (motions perpendicularly with the wrists = non-life threatening cutting) instead of (motions parallel to the wrist = life-threatening), with blood rushing out of their arms while talking to them about developing coping strategies and problem solving. Is this something you can handle?"

I worked in the trenches with "at-risk" youth 15 years ago and one reason I got a graduate degree was so I didn't have to do that sort of work any more.

I don't want the job.

How much worse is it going to get?

Sunday, September 22, 2013

No news is no news

Oh hey there, blog, how you doing?

Long time no see. No, I haven't forgotten you. I know you're still here, like the homeless vets at the freeway entrance asking for money and other social malaise. I've just been awkwardly and cowardly turning my head in the other direction.

It's not that I haven't had anything to write, it's just that this blog is a dumping ground of depressing updates, which are depressing cause they aren't really updates, like "I got a job!" Or "good things are happening to my personal situation and I should be happy!"

Let us recap the summer;

June: Officially pass the two year mark of being unemployed. The date was almost as depressing as passing the 1000 application mark a few weeks before.

June: Also broke up with girlfriend after 7 years. I'd like to think unemployment was only part of it; that most couples real up eventually and we had other issues. The reality is we will never know. 

(I'd also like to say that we just "changed status to roommates, that we're better friends than boyfriend/girlfriends, that we still love each other, etc etc, but this a blog about my unemployment, not my relationship, so enough of that talk.)

July: July was most noted for a particular job I'd interviewed for and had high hopes for, but rejected me after an especially long, drawn out and teasing delay. That really hurt. Almost as bad as the two year mark for unemployment, or the 1000 application date.

I also had a birthday, just reminded me that I'm even older and being unemployed, less successful than I've ever been in my life. 

I'm supposed to be in my grinding years, saving away for retirement, raising kids (which I don't have cause I'm unemployed) or at least saving money so I can help my parents when they grow old, which is coming up quickly.

It was a hard birthday.

August: We had to put our dog down. That was far worse than the 1000th application, the two year anniversary of unemployment, or the good job that rejected me. It was one of the hardest moments of my life, but still nothing like losing a loved one.

August, Part II: Visited family to deal with some family shit that's somewhat unique, fairly complicated and extremely stressful. It's worthy of a blog if its own and let me just summarize by saying that on tip of everything else, it really sucks.

August, Part III: On the other side if the family, some shit erupted there too which is also complicated, stressful, and on tip of everything else really, really shitty. Goddam fucking family.

September: That's leaves us with today, which is now mid-September so I can say I've been unemployed 2 years and three months. And counting.

So that's why I haven't written.

Hope you're well!

