Hey there,
Love the site, thanks for the insight. Despite the smarmy tone, it really is useful an helpful to know what's going on the the HR mind.
I doubt you have time, but I invite you to check out my blog. I have a masters degree and over ten years experience working in schools and nonprofits but haven't been able to land a job in the two years since graduating from grad school. Not all rejections are the candidates fault. In this economy, you can be a 100% match to a job and still come up the wrong one of a dozen.
HOWEVER, I do wonder if you could help out: in my job hunt, now over 1200 applications and 100 interviews, I've come across some shitty HR processes.
Applications that require to be printed out and filled in by hand.
Poorly formatted Applications in Word that require me to adjust the formatting. (What do you think I am, an HR specialist?)
I have specific special spot in my large intestine for Taleo. The job hunt process is frustrating, but I really wonder what the purpose is of these sites. As a rule of thumb, if an organization uses Taleo, it's not worth applying for.
BUT EVEN MORE SPECIFICALLY, can you call out the Seattle YMCA for having the shittiest HR process in the entire Pacific Northwest?
It features at two points not one, not two, but THREE scroll bars!
Three scroll bars on one page!
Your browser's scroll bar, their page's scroll bar, and another scroll bar in the cut n paste section for your résumé and cover letter, which they then automatically reformat to fit.
It reminds me of the websites I used to design in the 90s with FrontPage -which is why I'm not in the web design business.
Seriously, it would be hilarious if this weren't the HR process for a very large social service agency where I've been trying to get a job. (The site also features a skills section, saying in fine print that it's optional, putting applicants in the awkward position of having to guess if HR really wants to know my skill sin accounting, ten key, branding and marketing, when I'm applying to be a camp counselor)
To add further insult to injury, empirical evidence suggests that hiring managers totally skip their own HR process, and use either internal candidates or resumes sent directly to them.
Oh yeah, today I got an email from the Y thanking me for applying to a position recently, I was not selected for an interview. I replied that I had applied to 12 different positions with them in the last month, could they tell me specifically which one was rejecting me? Cause I had an interview three weeks ago and assumed I didn't get it, cause they never called me back. But the interview scheduled for next week, are you backing out of that?
Needless the say, as expected the email bounced back to me as an invalid address.
So yeah, just a chronic job hunters rant of the day. Thanks again for your site. Keep up the good work.
Love the site, thanks for the insight. Despite the smarmy tone, it really is useful an helpful to know what's going on the the HR mind.
I doubt you have time, but I invite you to check out my blog. I have a masters degree and over ten years experience working in schools and nonprofits but haven't been able to land a job in the two years since graduating from grad school. Not all rejections are the candidates fault. In this economy, you can be a 100% match to a job and still come up the wrong one of a dozen.
HOWEVER, I do wonder if you could help out: in my job hunt, now over 1200 applications and 100 interviews, I've come across some shitty HR processes.
Applications that require to be printed out and filled in by hand.
Poorly formatted Applications in Word that require me to adjust the formatting. (What do you think I am, an HR specialist?)
I have specific special spot in my large intestine for Taleo. The job hunt process is frustrating, but I really wonder what the purpose is of these sites. As a rule of thumb, if an organization uses Taleo, it's not worth applying for.
BUT EVEN MORE SPECIFICALLY, can you call out the Seattle YMCA for having the shittiest HR process in the entire Pacific Northwest?
It features at two points not one, not two, but THREE scroll bars!
Three scroll bars on one page!
Your browser's scroll bar, their page's scroll bar, and another scroll bar in the cut n paste section for your résumé and cover letter, which they then automatically reformat to fit.
It reminds me of the websites I used to design in the 90s with FrontPage -which is why I'm not in the web design business.
Seriously, it would be hilarious if this weren't the HR process for a very large social service agency where I've been trying to get a job. (The site also features a skills section, saying in fine print that it's optional, putting applicants in the awkward position of having to guess if HR really wants to know my skill sin accounting, ten key, branding and marketing, when I'm applying to be a camp counselor)
To add further insult to injury, empirical evidence suggests that hiring managers totally skip their own HR process, and use either internal candidates or resumes sent directly to them.
Oh yeah, today I got an email from the Y thanking me for applying to a position recently, I was not selected for an interview. I replied that I had applied to 12 different positions with them in the last month, could they tell me specifically which one was rejecting me? Cause I had an interview three weeks ago and assumed I didn't get it, cause they never called me back. But the interview scheduled for next week, are you backing out of that?
Needless the say, as expected the email bounced back to me as an invalid address.
So yeah, just a chronic job hunters rant of the day. Thanks again for your site. Keep up the good work.
Soon this will be me: stuck in a tight spot and wondering for so long how to get out of it, I turn to stone. |