Friday, October 28, 2016

Here we go again

For the second time in five years, I'm relaunching this blog.
Big sigh.
False alarm!
Now, where were we?
Fact is, I never told you what happened.
Fact is, I never kept up this blog.
Fact is, I never liked writing it in the first place, never liked chronicling the woes of being unemployed (or more accurately but just as painful, 'underemployed').

And the reasons for that might be linked to my job hunt in general. There's a strong 'woe is me' pity party inherent in this blog, and I'm not big on pity.
There's also an element of ego, and I'm not big on ego. In fact, I'm pretty against ego. I've strived long and hard to rid myself of ego and its brother's arrogance and over estimated self worth. I try to go forth in this world modest and humble, but this world, especially job hunting, demands ego and claims of greatness. A lot of problems of this modern world are caused by white guys who think too highly of themselves, so I don't call myself white, and I take pains to keep my ego in check.

Which means I keep my words selective and few. Which means I don't post very often. But I also don't advertise or have readers, so who notices?
This is just for me, right?

ANYway, I got fired today and oh yeah, I stopped writing because I got a job. It was back in May, and I actually had four job offers in a week, each one better than the previous.
Over two thousand job applications and two hundred and twelve interviews, and nine offers for full time permanent employment and four of them in what I thought would be the end of the job hunt, but was actually just the end of my job hunt for the time being.
More on those numbers later.

So I'm still in the analyzing phase. The short of it is, I think she was very negative, bad mouthing the job and the organization in the first week, while she probably thinks I'm lazy. Placing blame doesn't good anyone any good, and I'm still reflecting. I wasn't shocked by the termination (though a little surprised at its timing) and am taking it with strides, and I ask myself why and conclude that the negativity and lack of support were something that I'm really glad not to deal with.

I'm sure I'll have more thoughts, and maybe even I'll share them here.