It's been a while since I posted. Plenty has been going on.
Shortly after my last post in early June, my girlfriend and I split up after seven years together.
We say it was mutual, we say we're still friends, we say we just down-graded to roommates, and for the most part that's true. But I can't help but wonder how two years of unemployment wore on our relationship. I can't say it caused the breakup, but definitely played a part in it.
She's moved to the back room and gave notice at her work too. She'll be there until November, after which we're hoping she goes on a long voyage to Africa to save the bonobos.
Around the same time I sought out in desperation an old friend and poured out my situation. We got to talking, and what came out of the conversation was a plan for his tiny nonprofit organization (on which I happen to be on the board). I've been working hard on that since, developing a proposal -including a fundraising plan- to the rest of the board in two weeks. It'll be a lot of work, but honestly I have nothing better to do.
I can't remember how many interviews I had in the last month (of, thanks notes, I had four!) but one of those interviews I had in May -you may recall one of them was an especially painful rejection- one of them came through. A part-time, temp, on-call position with the YMCA that might be 30 hours a month.
It pays $10 hour. I can't remember the last time I made $10 an hour, aside from being a camp counselor last summer.
Oh yeah, my birthday is in a couple days, which coincides with a small previously arranged fundraiser for this nonprofit. I'm in the awkward position of asking my friends to come to this fundraiser, which is also my birthday, and breaking to them the news of my breakup, cause my ex-girlfriend/roommate will be there.
And our dog is getting very old. She won't make it through the summer.